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Passion + Persistence + Pursuasion + Profit


Times are changing at an alarming speed, especially technically. No matter who you are, where you live, or what you do there’s no denying we don’t really know what the future holds. Does that worry you? Do you lie awake at night concerned about “what if”?

There is no guarantee in life. Too often it’s not until we’re faced with a life-altering decision do we even appreciate the simple pleasures in each fleeting moment. If nothing else you gain from my posts, my message is

  • Don’t postpone tomorrow for what you can achieve today.
  • Don’t procrastinate on telling those you love how much they mean to you.
  • Don’t follow your passion!

You matter, your life matter, and how you live your life matters!  Follow your dreams.  When you allow your self to fully participate in your own belief in yourself, embody your passion for whatever it is you love your life has meaning.

The passion I’m speaking of is not the sexual type. It’s the passion in your heart & soul that you feel excited, enthusiastic and hungry for more type.  It’s the glow you feel from inside when you talk about it.  It’s the brightness in your eyes when you see it, or the smile on your face when you talk about it.  It’s what inspires you do want more of it.

Your passion doesn’t have to consume every waking moment, but if it did how great would that feel?

When you embrace your passion, learn more about it, act it, feel it, develop it persistently and it never leaves you – it’s then that you know it’s your ‘purpose’.  We all have a purpose. We can have many purposes, but the one we are most passionate about is likely the one you need to focus on.

If you could live in your passion, becoming the expert because you know more than the majority about that passion through persistent research and development then persuasion is a natural evolution.

In everything we do and share with others we are “selling” our thought or ideas.  I understand the resistance many of us have with sales & marketing.  I’m personally resistant and know I have difficulty embracing sales.  But, when I’m talking about what I’m passionate about, sharing it with others who show an interest, my persuasion comes through in my enthusiasm.  I don’t need to ‘sell’ my idea, thought or product.  I don’t really care if others don’t buy into it because no matter what, who, when or where, I can’t lose my passion for it.

SO – if you know your passion, completely invite your passion into your life and allow it to be your friend and you nurture your passion persistently your persuasion will create profit.  Profit may be money, more abundance of passion, more empowered relationships, who knows but I will be willing to bet it’ll feel good.

Your Passion + persistence creates a natural persuasion = profit.  Stop worrying about the future and start following what you’re passionate about TODAY.

–Wendy MacKay–Authentic life coaching with soul awareness


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